My name is Chinyere Egbuta--everyone calls me Chichi. I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, and a mother to two beautiful sons, one of whom is autistic. I am also a Doctor who is board-certified in four medical specialties: Pediatrics, Anesthesiology, Pediatric Critical Care and Pediatric Anesthesia.
I was born in Nigeria, West Africa, and moved to the US at the age of 15 years. I am a Christian Woman--a Seventh Day Adventist. I am a lover of fashion, travel and learning new ways to thrive in this beautiful but challenging world of ours.
I started this fashion and lifestyle blog not just to share my love of fashion and travel, but to also share tips and tricks on how to handle many of life's challenges/responsibilites and still emerge chic. I call them Lifehacks. I do not have a perfect life--in fact, it is because of the many "imperfections" of life that I have dealt with over time and still, by the grace of God, thrive, that I feel inspired to share in order to encourage and motivate someone (anyone) out there.
I pledge to share with you methods and ideas that have personally worked for me and that are tested and true (evidence-based). No snake oil or fluff here (okay, only the occasional fairy dust...LOL!) I would also love to learn from you as well as we go on this expedition. Together we can face the good, the bad, and the ugly, and stay ChichiChic!
Let's do this :)