Sometimes it seems that to be a woman is to constantly try to keep the earth from flipping on its axis. Can a woman really have it all—perfect marriage, perfect kids, perfect career, perfect relationships, perfect closet? My answer is a resounding “YES!” Now before you complete your 999th eye roll (LOL), please hear (read) […]

Apart from being a wife, mother of two boys (one of whom is autistic), a sister, a daughter and a friend, I also work in two challenging fields of medicine—Pediatric Anesthesiology and Pediatric Critical Care, participate in Church programs and enjoy quite a few hobbies (fashion, travel, blogging, etc). It goes without saying that I […]

Autism is a neurobiological developmental disorder that typically appears before the age of 3 years. Autism affects the brain in the areas of social interaction, communication and cognitive function. In the United States 1 out of every 68 children is diagnosed with Autism and boys are four times more likely to have autism than girls. […]