With the 2020/2021 school year ready to launch in my corner of the world, we (my husband and I) find ourselves, understandably, gathering our thoughts and ideas on how to navigate the ebbs and flows of our new normal: raising and educating children during a global pandemic as full-time working parents. We must acknowledge, in […]

Trimming your waistline is not solely a journey in vanity. A strong core is actually the foundation of good health. Having excess abdominal fat is an extreme health risk that is actually akin to smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, even if you are at a normal weight for your height.  If most of […]

As the world begins to make plans to loosen some of the coronavirus restrictions, I find myself reflecting on my and my family’s time in lock-down. Even though my husband and I are both essential workers in our fields and have both had to leave the house to go work, our life, like the billions […]

Let me start by saying, it is okay to be afraid; we are, after all, human. We may be in familiar territory currently but it is still unique in its own way and therefore remains uncharted. Also, reaction to fear can still be rational, organized and selfless. On the other hand, it is not okay […]